Blogwars: ToyWar Kinder Sorpresa

BlogWars. Ilustradores molones compitiendo con ilustraciones molones. Coñe, yo quiero participar. Y lo hice.
He aquí mi caballo de batalla en la ToyWar, la guerra de los juguetes de nuestra infancia: los que traían los Kinder Sorpresa. Miente y di que nunca pediste uno. A tus amigos siempre les tocaban los cañeros y a ti no. Pero leñe, sólo el ver el huevo envuelto en papel, con esos colores, era un escenario que te llenaba de ilusión. Y si el juguete era una porquería, tenías por lo menos el chocolate.

BlogWars is a series a online competitions between illustrators on a theme, and, boy, I wanted to compete!
This time was all about our chilhood toys. I picked maybe something not very known outside Spain: Kinder Surprise. It was a chocolate egg with a toy inside, as simple as that. Some of those toys were spectacular, but only your friends get those, Murphy's law. But just standing in front of the egg, looking at the beautiful colours of its wrapper, well, picture that, such happiness! (and if the toy wasn't what you expected, weel, you still had the chocolate).